Course Resources – ECED 206


Circle of Influence: Implementing Shared Decision Making and Participative Management, Paula Jorde Bloom, 2011, New Horizons, Lake Forrest, Illinois, ISBN-13: 978-0962189432

Blueprint for Action: Leading Your Team in Continuous Quality Improvement, Paula Jorde Bloom, 3rd Edition, 2015, New Horizons, Lake Forrest, Illinois, ISBN: 9780982708248

A Great place to Work, Bloom, etal., 2nd edition, 2016, New Horizons, Lake Forrest, Illinois, ISBN: 9780982708279

Ethics and the Early Childhood Educator: Using the NAEYC Code, Stephanie Feeney etal., 2nd Edition, NAEYC, ISBN:978-1-938113-22-2

Teaching the Code of Ethical Conduct, Revised edition, Stephanie Feeney etal., NAEYC, ISBN:978-1-938113-88-8

Advancing the Early Childhood Profession , Lutton, A., NAEYC: (2012).ISBN-13: 978-1928896814

Developing & Administering A Childcare and Education Program, 9th edition, Dorothy June Sciarra, etal., Cengage, ISBN:13:978-1-305-08808-5

Administration of Programs for Young Children, 7th edition, Phyllis Click and Kimberly A. Karkos, Thompson Delmar Learning, The Visionary Director, 2nd edition, Margie Carter and Deb Curtis, Redleaf Press, ISBN: 978-1-60554-020-7

Children’s Books

The Remarkable Farkle McBride by John Lithgow

How To Be by Lisa Brown

Swimmy by Leo Lionni

Stone Soup, several different authors

Amelia Bedelia by Peggy Parish

The Hungry Thing by Jan Slepian

Tacky the Penguin by Helen Lester

All the Ways to be Smart by Davina Bell

So Few of Me, by Peter Reynolds

Additional Resources