Mary Beth Bruder, PhD
University of Connecticut Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities
Education & Employment:
University of Oregon, Ph.D., Developmental Disabilities, Early Childhood (1983)
View: Dr. Bruder’s Curriculum Vitae
Mary Beth Bruder, PhD, has been in the early childhood intervention field since 1976. She began her career as an early childhood intervention public school teacher in VT, where she worked with Head Start and inclusive childcare program. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Oregon in Developmental Disabilities in 1983. Since 1986, Dr. Bruder has been at the University of CT School of Medicine where she is a professor in Public Health Sciences, Pediatrics and Educational Psychology. She currently directs the University of Connecticut A.J. Pappanikou Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research, and Service. During her career, Dr. Bruder has directed multiple federal and state research, demonstration, training, and technical assistance projects. Dr Bruder is the editor of Infants and Young Children: An Interdisciplinary Journal in Early Childhood Intervention, and she chairs the International Society of Early Childhood Intervention, and the Association of University Centers on Disabilities Early Childhood Special Interest Group. She is most proud of her 4 daughters, adopted from orphanages in China, who continue to teach her resilience.
Primary: Department of Pediatrics
Secondary: Department of Educational Psychology
Current Professional Activities and Organizations:
2018-Present: Editorial Board, Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action
2018-Present: Executive Board, International Society of Early Intervention
2018-Present: Chair, Association of University Centers on Disability: Early Childhood Special Interest Group
2014-Present: Editorial Board, Journal of Family Medicine and Community Health
2008-Present: Editor, Infants and Young Children
2002-Present: Editorial Board, Journal of Early Intervention
1998-Present: Member, Connecticut Birth to Three Interagency Coordinating Council
1993-Present: Editorial Board, Mental Retardation
1989-Present: Editorial Board, Topics in Early Childhood Special Education
Honors and Awards:
Recipient of the Mary McEvoy Service to the Field Award from the Division for Early Childhood.
Angel in Adoption Award from Senator Christopher Dodd and the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute.
Recent Grant Experience:
Principal Investigator/Director – 2018-2023
University of Connecticut A.J. Pappanikou Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research, and Service, Administration on Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Principal Investigator – 2019-2021
Act Early Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) supported by the Learn the Signs Act Early program of the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (NCBDDD) at CDC
Principal Investigator 2019-2023
Expansion of Early Childhood Associate Degree Programs in CT Community Colleges to Prepare Personnel to Work with Young Children with Disabilities and Their Families, US DHHS
Principal Investigator – 2018-2022
National Early Childhood Personnel Technical Assistance Center II, U.S. Department of Education
Director – 2016-2021
CT Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Other Related Disabilities (LEND) Program, Maternal and Child Health Bureau, U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration
Director – 2016-2021
Pediatric Audiology Competitive Supplement to LEND, Maternal and Child Health Bureau, U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration
Director – 2016-2017
University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research and Service National Training Initiatives, Diversity Fellowships Grant, Administration for Community Living, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Director – 2015-2020
Early Intervention Credential, Office of Special Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education
Principal Investigator/Director – 2013-2018
University of Connecticut A.J. Pappanikou Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research, and Service, Administration on Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Principal Investigator – 2013-2017
National Center for Early Childhood Personnel. U.S. Department of Education
Principal Investigator – 2013-2017
Preparing Tomorrow’s Leaders for High Need Infants and Children and Their Families (Leadership Grant). U.S. Department of Education
Director – 2013
Accessible Housing Options in CT, Connecticut Developmental Disabilities Council
Emergency Preparedness Training Project, Connecticut Developmental Disabilities Council
Director – 2013
CT B-3 Autism Service Guidelines MOU. CT Department of Developmental Services
Director – 2010-2013
A Parent to Parent Model of Service Coordination for Families of Preschool Age Children with ASD, Maternal and Child Health Bureau, U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration($900,000)
Connecticut Family-to-Family Health Information Network, Maternal and Child Health Bureau, HRSA, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services ($191,400)
Director – 2008-2013
University Center for Excellence, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Development Disabilities ($2,666,105)
Director – 2010-2013
Family Professional Partnership/CSHCN, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services ($900,000)
Director – 2008-2011
CT Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Other Related Disabilities (LEND) Program, Maternal and Child Health Bureau, U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration ($1,650,000)
Investigator – 2006-2011
The Center for Early Literacy Learning Office of Special Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education ($50,000)
Principal Investigator – 2003-2008
The Center to Guide Personnel Preparation Policy and Practice in Early Intervention and Preschool Education (Birth to 5), Office of Special Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education
Investigator – 2003-2008
Center on Outcomes for Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers with Disabilities, U.S. Department of Education ($96,800)
Principal Investigator/Director – 2001-2013
University of Connecticut A.J. Pappanikou Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research, and Service, Administration on Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Recent Publications – Peer Reviewed Journal Articles:
Dunst, C., Bruder, M.B., Maude, S. (2019). Professional development supports and practitioner use of recommended early childhood intervention practices. Professional Development in Education. Vol 45:3
Dunst, C., Bruder, M.B., Hamby, D., Howse, R., & Wilkie, H. (2018). Meta-analysis of the relationships between different leadership practices and organizational, teaming, leader, and employee outcomes. Journal of International Education and Leadership. Vol 8:2
Gelbar, N. W., Bruder, M. B., Debiase, E., & Molteni, J. (2018). A retrospective chart review of children with ASD’s Individual Education Plans compared to subsequent independent psychological evaluations. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disabilities. Advance online publication. doi:10.1007/s10803-018-3652-4
Bray, M., Root, M., Gelbar, N., Bruder, M. B., Menzies, V. (2017). Relaxation and guided imagery for parents of offspring with developmental disabilities. Journal of Psychological Abnormalities, 6:155. doi:10.4172/2471-9900.1000155
Dunst, C. J., Hamby, D. W., Raab, M., & Bruder, M. B. (2017). Family socioeconomic status and ethnicity, acculturation and enculturation, and parent beliefs about child behavior, learning methods, and parenting role. Journal of Education and Culture Studies 1(2), 99-122.
Guralnick, .M J., & Bruder, M. B. (2016). Early childhood inclusion in the United States: Current status and future directions. Infants & Young Children, 29(3), 166-177.
Dunst, C.J., Bruder, M.B. and Hamby, D.W. (2015). Metasynthesis of in-service professional development research: Features associated with positive educator and student outcomes. Educational Research and Reviews, 10(12), 1731-1744.
Bruder, M.B., George-Puskar, A., & Baril, E. (2015). Cognitive development: Acquisition and use of knowledge and skills. In S. A. Raver & D. Childress (Eds.), Family-centered intervention: Supporting infants and toddlers in natural environments. Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing Company.
Bruder, M.B., & Dunst, C.J. (2014). Parental judgments of early childhood personnel practices: Applying a consumer science perspective. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 34(1), 1-11.
Dunst, C. J., Bruder, M. B., & Espe-Scherwindt, M. (2014). Family capacity-building in early childhood intervention: Do context and setting matter? School Community Journal, 24(1), 37-48.
Dunst, C. J., & Bruder, M. B. (2014). Preservice professional preparation and teachers’ self-efficacy appraisals of natural environment and inclusion practices. Teacher Education and Special Education, 37(2), 1210132. doi: 10.1177/0888406413505873.
Bruder, M. B., Dunst, C. J., Mogro-Wilson, C., & Stayton, V. (2013). Predictors of confidence and competence among early childhood interventionists Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 34(3), 249-267. doi: 10.1080/10901027.2013.816806.
Bruder, M.B., Kerins, G., Mazzarella, C., Sims, J., & Stein, N. (2012). Brief report: The medical care of adults with autism spectrum disorders: Identifying the needs. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. doi: 10.1007/s10803-012-1496-x
Stayton, V.C., Smith, B.J., Dietrich, S.L., & Bruder, M.B. (2012). Comparison of state certification and professional association standards in early childhood special education. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 32(1), 24-37.
Chen, L.J., Bruder, M.B., Chen, Y.C., & Lien, A.S-Y. (2011). To meet the special educational needs – with accommodation and modification. Journal of Taitung Special Education, 33, 1-6.
Bruder, M.B. (2011). A well walked path to program efficacy: The details tell the story. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 31(3), 158-161.
Bruder, M.B., Dunst, C.J. (2011). Infant, toddler and preschool inclusion in community activities. Revista Educacion Inclusiva, 4(3), 21-34.
Bruder, M.B., Dunst, C., Mogro-Wilson, C. (2011). Confidence and competence appraisals of early intervention and preschool special education practitioners. International Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 3, 13-37.
Bruder, M.B., Dunst, C.J., Mogro-Wilson, C., & Tan, T.X. (2011). Continuity of Parental Behavioral Ratings of Children Adopted From China and Parenting Competence, Confidence, and Enjoyment. Adoption and Fostering, 34(4) 4-16.
Karan, O.C., DonAroma, P., Bruder, M.B., Roberts, L. (2010). A transitional assessment model for students with severe and/or multiple disabilities: The competency based community assessment. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 48, 387-392.
Bruder, M.B. & Mogro-Wilson, C. (2010). Student and faculty awareness and attitudes about students with disabilities. The Review of Disability Studies: An International Journal, 6(2), 3-13.
Bruder, M.B. Mogro-Wilson, C., & Kerins, G.J. (2010). A survey assessing the presence of “medical home” for adults with disabilities in Connecticut. Connecticut Medicine, 74(6), 341-348.
Bruder, M.B., Dunst, C.J., & Mogro-Wilson, C. (2009). Child factors associated with enrollment in Part C early intervention among children adopted from China. Journal of Early Intervention, 32, 54-67.
Bruder, M.B., Mogro-Wilson, C., Stayton, V.D., & Dietrich, S.L. (2009). The national status of in-service professional development systems for early intervention and early childhood special education practitioners. Infants and Young Children, 22(1), 13-20.
Stayton, V.D., Dietrich, S.L., Smith, B.J., Bruder, M.B., Mogro-Wilson, C., & Swigart, A. (2009). State certification requirements for early childhood special educators. Infants and Young Children, 22(1), 4-12.
Bailey, D.B., Hebbeler, K., Olmstead, M.G., Raspa, M., Bruder, M.B. (2008). Measuring family outcomes: Considerations for large-scale data collection in early intervention. Infants and Young Children, 21(3), 194-206.
Bruder, M.B., & Dunst, C.J. (2008). Factors related to the scope of early intervention service coordinator practices. Infants and Young Children, 21(3), 176-185.
Select Publications – Invited Articles
Bruder, M.B. (2011). A well walked path to program efficacy: The details tell the story. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 31(3), 158-161.
Bruder, M.B. (2010). Early childhood intervention: A promise to the future of children and families. Exceptional Children, 76(3): 339-355.
Bruder, M.B. (2001). Reviewing the inclusion agenda: Attending to the right variables. Journal of Early Intervention, 23(4), 223-230.
Bruder, M.B. (1997). Inclusion for infants, toddlers and preschoolers: Participation in natural environments. National Center on Educational Restructuring and Inclusion Bulletin.
Bruder, M.B. (1997). Inclusion for pre-school age children: A collaborative services model. In First steps: Stories on inclusion in early childhood education (pp. 111-122). Paris, France: UNESCO.
Select Publications – Book Chapters:
Bruder, M.B. (in press). Transitions for children with disabilities. In SL Kagan (Ed), Transitions in the early years: Creating a system of continuity. Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company.
Bruder, M.B. (2010). Coordinating services with families. In R.A. McWilliam (Ed.), Working with families of young children with special needs. New York: The Guilford Press (pp. 93-126).
Bruder, M.B. (2005). Service Coordination and integration in a developmental systems approach to early intervention. In M.J. Guralnick, (Ed.), The developmental systems approach to early intervention. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company (pp. 29-58).
Wolraich, M.L., Gurwitch , R.H., Bruder, M.B., & Knight, L.A. (2005). The role of comprehensive interdisciplinary assessments in the early intervention system. In M.J. Guralnick, (Ed.), The developmental systems approach to early intervention. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company (pp. 133-150).
Bruder, M.B. (2005). Early intervention services for infants and their families. In W. Nehring (Ed.), Core curriculum for specializing in intellectual and developmental disabilities: A resource for nurses and other health care professionals (pp. 109-122). Boston, MA: Jones and Bartlett, Inc. | |
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Mailing Address | Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities | UConn Health |
Office Location | 263 Farmington Avenue, Farmington, CT 06030 | MC 6222 |