Course Resources – ECED 1306


CTELDS: Connecticut Early Learning and Development Standards, CT. Office of Early Childhood
Supporting All Children Using the CT ELDS: A Guide to Domain and Strands; CT. Office of Early Childhood

Childcare Exchange, Curriculum: Art, Music, Movement, Drama, A Beginnings Workshop Book

Fiestas: A year of Latin American Songs of Celebration by Jose-Luis Orozco

De Colores and other Latin-American Folk Songs for Children by Jose-Luis Orozco

Nurturing Creativity, Isbell, Rebecka and Yoss Iizawa, Sonia Akiko. NAEYC: Washington 2016 ISBN: 9781938113215 Spotlight on Young
Children and the Creative Arts, edited by Derry Koralek, NAEYC

Music and Movement: A Practical Guide for Teaching Young Children by Ellen Booth Church


How to Set Up Your Preschool Music and Movement Learning Center

Extension Alliance for Better Childcare


GoNoodle videos can be found at their website or on youtube for videos such as this one which gets children listening to a beat and moving in specific ways to that beat.

There are several videos to help children do simple yoga activities. Here is just one. Yoga for Kids


It’s a Snap! 4 Ways to Use Music With Special Needs Students

Beyond Twinkle Twinkle: Using Music with Infants and Toddlers

Carnegie Hall: Why Making Music Matters

The Feierabend Association for Music Education (FAME) was founded in 2012 to celebrate and share the unique teachings of Dr. John Feierabend with a wider audience of music educators.

Children’s Books

Deaf Musician by Pete Seeger

The Bremen-town Musicians retold by Ruth Belov Gross

Let’s Get the Rhythm adapted by Anne Miranda

Froggy Plays in the Band by Jonathan London

The One-Man Band by Mildred Pitts Walter

Sweet Music in Harlem by Debbie A. Taylor