Cross Disability Lifespan Alliance

About the CT Cross Disability Lifespan Alliance

The UCEDD joined forces with the Connecticut Developmental Disability Network and the State Independent Living Council to form, and then support, the CT Cross Disability Lifespan Alliance. This Alliance of parents, self-advocates and providers meets monthly to address issues affecting people with disabilities in CT.


A centerpiece of the Alliance is the legislative advocacy committee. This committee meets by phone every Friday to discuss current legislation, identify individuals who can testify on particular legislation, mobilize others to attend hearings, and assist individuals in preparing testimony. The UCEDD provides a list of bills, hearings, and other legislative actions for the committee to review. Additionally, the Alliance meetings bring in guest speakers on topical issues. Attorney General William Tong spoke to the committee in 2019 regarding civil rights and people with disabilities in CT. He took questions from the group and mobilized the Alliance to support his efforts at expanding the role of the Attorney General to address civil rights issues in CT.