Early Childhood Intervention

Enhancing Peer Relationships in Natural Environments in Urban Communities


This model demonstration project was a four-year grant funded by the Office of Special Education Programs. The purpose of this project was to increase the number of children receiving early intervention services in community activities with their typically developing peers. This project specifically targeted urban communities in CT and the need to expand the use of natural environments and facilitate social skills for infants and toddlers participating in early intervention.


  • A database of community natural environments in urban cities in CT was created.
  • Training was provided to early interventionists to facilitate the inclusion of children with disabilities in natural environments.
  • Handbooks for families and providers were created on natural environments.
  • Various community settings were accessed for early intervention including libraries, playscapes, museums, farms, and YMCAs.
  • Families were satisfied with their participation in the project.
  • A final data report was completed.