Early Childhood

Learn the Signs. Act Early.

Connecticut Learn the Signs. Act Early. (LTSAE) is a statewide project that is dedicated to promoting early screening and early identification of developmental delays. LTSAE educates families, communities, and organizations about the importance of developmental monitoring through collaboration, dissemination, and outreach.

The project is currently working with CT Read to Grow, Connecticut’s state literacy program, to distribute LTSAE materials to families with newborns through their “Books for Babies” program. We are also working with their Book Mobile, which travels across the state, to share our resources and books with underserved communities.

LTSAE is also collaborating with Connecticut medical schools to incorporate our training in their curriculum to better prepare future pediatricians to identify developmental milestones and discuss developmental concerns with families and make referrals.

LTSAE works closely with the CT Help Me Grow Advisory Committee. We support Help Me Grow’s ongoing efforts by promoting and distributing informational materials and working with the Advisory Committee to plan methods of communication and outreach to share resources directly with families.

Other projects LTSAE has completed include training social workers on developmental milestones, working with early childhood organizations throughout Connecticut to provide developmental monitoring training and LTSAE materials, collaborating with early childhood partners to develop a webinar and guidance document, and partnering with community health centers and birthing hospitals in the state to conduct LTSAE training and disseminate materials to families.

For more information about Learn the Signs. Act Early. contact our program coordinator, Bethanne Vergean at vergean@uchc.edu

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