Leadership and Community Support
National Core Indicators Survey

“We believe that the voices of people who receive public services and their families should be heard directly. No one should be preemptively deemed “unable to respond”. -Quote from NCI
The UConn UCEDD is pleased to partner with the UConn Health Center on Aging to collect data for the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) via the National Core Indicator Survey. This is an opportunity for people with disabilities to provide feedback on the quality of their experience receiving services and supports through DDS. The information collected through the NCI survey allows DDS to set improvement targets and compare the experience of people in CT to states across the country.
This survey is completed with adults with I/DD age 18 and older receiving at least one paid service (in addition to case management) from the state DD agency. The survey instrument includes a Background Information Section, which gathers data about the consumer from agency records, and an in-person survey. The in-person survey is composed of two sections: Section I includes subjective questions that can only be answered by the person receiving services from the state. Section II includes objective, fact-based questions that can be answered by the person or, if needed, a proxy respondent who knows the person well.

You can view the NCI data in CT on the DDS website here
Or get more information on the NCI survey here
For more information contact Mary Beth Bruder at bruder@uchc.edu