Local & National Disability Organizations
Connecticut-Based Resources
- Act Early Connecticut
- Advocacy for Children (AFCAMP)
- Autism Services and Resources Connecticut (ASRC)
- Brain Injury Alliance of Connecticut
- Center on Postsecondary Education and Disability
- Connecticut Council on Developmental Disabilities
- Connecticut Department of Aging and Disability Services
- Connecticut Department of Children and Families
- Connecticut Department of Developmental Services
- Connecticut Department of Education
- Connecticut Department of Public Health
- Connecticut Department of Social Services
- Connecticut Families for Effective Autism Treatment (CT FEAT)
- Connecticut Family Support Network
- Connecticut Husky Care
- Connecticut Office of Early Childhood
- Connecticut Office of Healthcare Advocate
- Connecticut Parent Advocacy Center, Inc. ( CPAC)
- Connecticut Voices for Children
- CT.gov - Official Website for the State of CT
- Disability Rights Connecticut, Inc. (“DRCT”)
- Down Syndrome Association of CT
- Early Intervention (Birth to Three)
- Family Advocacy for Children’s Mental Health
- Fragile X Society of Connecticut
- National Alliance of Mental Health of Connecticut
- PATH Parent to Parent & Family Voices of CT
- People First of Connecticut
- Spina Bifida Association of Connecticut
National Resources
- A Health Care Provider’s Guide to Helping Youth Transition from Pediatric to Adult Health Care
- Advocating Change Together
- Americans with Disabilities Act
- The Arc
- Association of University Centers on Disabilities
- Association on Higher Education and Disability
- Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation, BU
- Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD)
- Epilepsy Foundation
- Family Voices
- The Fathers Network
- Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities
- Muscular Dystrophy Association
- National Association for the Deaf
- National Disability Rights Network
- National Organization of Rare Disorders (NORD)
- National Organization on Disability
- National Spinal Cord Association
- Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
- United Cerebral Palsy
Assistive Technology
Disability Law and Policy Organizations
- Americans with Disabilities Act
- Center for the Study and Advancement of Disability Policy (CSADP)
- National Council on Disability
- U.S. Department of Education IDEA Home Page
- Wrightslaw