SCOTUS Rules Texas Can’t Use Junk Science to Justify Executing the Intellectually Disabled

March 29, 2017

By Mark Joseph Stern, Slate

On Tuesday, the Supreme Court struck down Texas’ test for determining which inmates are intellectually disabled and therefore constitutionally protected from capital punishment. Texas’ use of outdated and unscientific “medical guidance” to gauge “intellectual functioning,” the majority held, violated the Eighth Amendment’s ban on “cruel and unusual punishments.” The 5–3 decision in Moore v. Texas marks the court’s latest attempt to prevent states from justifying the execution of disabled inmates using arbitrary or capricious standards. (more…)

The Supreme Court Rules in Favor of a Special Education Student

March 22, 2017

By Anya Kamenetz, NPR – March 22, 2017

School districts must provide students with disabilities the chance to make meaningful, “appropriately ambitious” progress, the Supreme Court said today in an 8-0 ruling.

The decision in Endrew F. v. Douglas County School District could have far-reaching implications for the 6.5 million students with disabilities in the United States.

The case centered on a child with autism and attention deficit disorder whose parents removed him from public school in fifth grade. He went on to make better progress in a private school. His parents argued that the individualized education plan, or IEP, provided by the public school was inadequate, and they sued to compel the school district to pay his private school tuition. (more…)

What’s at Stake for Americans With Disabilities in the Trump Era

March 10, 2017

President Donald Trump made his disregard for the 1 in 5 Americans with disabilities abundantly clear during the campaign when he mocked a disabled New York Times reporter. But that disregard is no longer just hateful words. Now Trump’s administration, as well as his Republican colleagues in Congress, are pursuing policies that would put the health, education, and economic security of people with disabilities and their families at grave risk. (more…)

What a Waste of Money

March 1, 2017

By Carolyn Lumsden, Hartford Courant

The institution for the intellectually disabled is serving a dwindling population at the huge cost of $1,000 per client a day.

The Southbury Training School is an obsolete, rundown institution that hasn’t admitted any new residents in 30 years. The state has to commit to closing it. Its wild overtime costs continue to suck taxpayer money that could be better spent serving many more people with intellectual disabilities at much more reasonable cost in smaller private facilities.

One state worker at Southbury, for example, pumped up her $60,000 base salary to a hard-to-believe $196,000 with overtime this past fiscal year, The Courant’s Josh Kovner has reported. With fringe benefits, she earned $237,886 — more than Gov. Dannel P. Malloy makes. (more…)

Concerns About the Proposed Changes to Medicaid in the House Republican Policy Brief

February 24, 2017

As the three national Developmental Disabilities (DD) Network partners that represent the entities authorized in the DD Act whose members annually advocate for and provide hundreds of thousands of clinical services and home and community based supports to people with disabilities and their families, the Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD), the National Disability Rights Network (NDRN), and National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities (NACDD) are concerned about the policy brief distributed by the House Republican leadership on Thursday, February 16th to its Members about repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

The goals of the policy brief distributed last week are to “put Medicaid on a budget” and to “return the focus of the program back to helping those most in need.” (more…)

Malloy Announces Plan to Expand Housing for People With Intellectual Disabilities

February 13, 2017

By David Owens, Contact Reporter

The governor on Friday formally announced his plan to expand housing opportunities and services for people with intellectual disabilities.

Gov. Dannel P. Malloy included $3.8 million in his proposed budget for what he termed the “intellectual disability partnership initiative.” The goal is to reduce the waitlist for people with intellectual disabilities who need state-funded housing and to find new ways to address the need.

Malloy also proposed $1 million in bonding funds to convert group homes to supportive housing units, residential care homes or community care homes for people with intellectual disabilities. (more…)

Disability Advocates Applaud, Lament Malloy’s Budget Proposal

February 9, 2017

Advocates for the more than 16,000 people with intellectual disabilities who are served by the state are reacting favorably to some aspects of Gov. Dannel P. Malloy’s proposed budget, including an increase of about $4 million to, among things, help create more community settings for people now living in state facilities.

They also applauded the closing, at a savings of $1.6 million, of the on-campus fire department at the Southbury Training School — a unit that has hung on year after year as the population has dwindled to fewer than 250 residents and the unused portions of the complex are being mothballed.

But there was despair over the lack of funding for day programs and job training for high school graduates in 2017 and 2018 — as many as 600 young people who are turning 21 and will have completed their federally mandated schooling. For decades, these graduates went fairly seamlessly into the social, recreational, and skill-building programs for young adults. In the last few years, funding cuts have restricted these opportunities. (more…)

Parents of Special Needs Children Join Appeal of Education Funding Decision

January 27, 2017

Julie Swanson, of Durham, is the mother of a grown son with autism and a special education advocate. She is part of group that has joined with the state in its appeal of a Superior Court judge’s ruling that would radically change the way public education is funded in Connecticut. Swanson and advocates across the state were stunned by Judge Thomas Moukawsher’s suggestion that school districts could deny educational services to profoundly disabled students. (Cloe Poisson)

Parents and advocates have joined in the state’s appeal of a judge’s ruling striking down Connecticut’s school-funding formula, seizing on language that described some children with profound developmental disabilities as possibly incapable of learning and unworthy of local education dollars. (more…)

Justices Face ‘Blizzard of Words’ in Special Education Case

January 12, 2017

By Adam Liptakjan

WASHINGTON — In a case that could affect the education of 6.7 million children with disabilities, the Supreme Court on Wednesday struggled to decide whether it should require public schools to do more under a federal law that calls for them to provide a free education that addresses the children’s needs.

Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. said the court was being asked to choose among several finely shaded formulations. “What is frustrating about this case and about this statute is that we have a blizzard of words,” he said.

The court appeared uneasy with a standard used by many appeals courts, which have said that providing a modest educational benefit was enough. But some of the justices indicated that they were concerned about the costs that any changes could impose. (more…)

Avon Woman Named ‘Ms. Wheelchair Connecticut’

January 9, 2017

By Ken Byron

As with other pageant competitions, the title of Ms. Wheelchair Connecticut comes with a sash. But it also comes with responsibility.

The event uses a twist on the idea of a traditional beauty pageant to give women who rely on a wheelchair more visibility. And that is what the newly crowned Ms. Wheelchair Connecticut, Shannon Mazurick of Avon, liked when she heard about the pageant.

Mazurick, 30, has cerebral palsy and uses a wheelchair to get around. It’s difficult for Mazurick to speak so she uses a computer program to put words she types on a keyboard into speech.

“Advocacy has always been a huge part of my life,” Mazurick, wearing a red dress with the sash draped across her chest, said in a recent interview. “I feel it is so important. And Ms. Wheelchair, the organization or the pageant, deals with advocacy.” (more…)