Month: January 2025

National Preschool Health and Fitness Day

Happy National Preschool Health and Fitness Day! Teaching little ones healthy habits is so important for their physical and social development.

Need some ideas for physical activities for your preschooler?

The Special Olympics Young Athletes app gives personalized activities based on your child’s development and allows access to other health resources. Learn more about Young Athletes by clicking here!

President Biden Honors Dr. Linda Barry

Conn School of Medicine’s Dr. Linda Barry has been prestigiously recognized by U.S. President Joseph Biden with the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring (PAESMEM). It is the nation’s highest honor that mentors can receive.

Dr. Barry is a professor in the Department of Surgery and the Department of Public Health Sciences at UConn School of Medicine, serves as associate director of the UConn Health Disparities Institute and associate dean of the Office of Multicultural and Community Affairs, and is a member of our Consumer Advisory Council.

To read more about Dr. Barry’s award, click here.

Think Differently Database Act Signed Into Law

On January 4, President Biden signed the Think Differently Database Act (H.R. 670) into law. This bipartisan legislation—sponsored by Representatives Marc Molinaro (R-NY) and Mikie Sherrill (D-NJ) in the House and Senators Eric Schmitt (R-MO) and Jon Ossoff (D-GA) in the Senate—will create a comprehensive, national website database of support services and resources for people with disabilities in every state.

To read the bill, click here.

President Biden Signs Autism CARES Act of 2024 into Law

President Biden has signed into law the bipartisan Autism Collaboration, Accountability, Research, Education and Support Act, or Autism CARES Act of 2024.

The Autism CARES Act is the most comprehensive federal law addressing the urgent needs of children, adolescents, and adults with autism. Over its 17-year history, this law has resulted in a significant increase in our understanding of autism and related neurodevelopmental disabilities. The CARES Act is crucial to maintaining and improving the monitoring, training, and research programs focused on improving the lives of children and adults with autism and other neurodevelopmental disabilities, and their families.

Click here to read more about this.