
ABLEnow Upcoming Webinar

More independence, greater financial security and a better quality of life – that’s the future ABLEnow is building. Join us for a free information session to discover the advantages of ABLE accounts and the national ABLEnow program.

In just one hour, we’ll cover the answers to these questions, and more:
• What are ABLE accounts?
• Who is eligible?
• How can I use the money in an ABLE account?
• What are the features and benefits of the ABLEnow program?
• How can I learn more and open an account?

For more information on ABLEnow, please visit ablenow.com.

Jan 17, 2023 12:00 PM inEastern Time (US and Canada)

Webinar Registration – Zoom

Disability Rights Connecticut: Free Education Rights Clinic

Disability Rights Connecticut is pleased to announce our Education Rights Clinic. The clinic will be open to students and families of students with disabilities, including students with special education needs or students who have or may need 504 plans.

Clinic appointments will provide an opportunity for callers to talk with advocates, law students, and attorneys. In a one-hour virtual meeting, clinic attendees will receive counsel and advice and short-term service related to their child’s special education needs free of charge.

To learn more Link 

UConn News

UConn Social Work Scholar Mogro-Wilson Achieves a Pair of ‘Firsts’ in Reaching Milestones – UConn Today

Cristina Mogro-Wilson, Ph.D., has reached two key milestones as a social work scholar in a short span of time: First, she was promoted to full professor at the School of Social Work, becoming the first Latina full professor in the School’s 75-year history in a promotion that took effect in August. Second, she was named editor-in-chief of Families in Society, the first journal of social work research in the United States, becoming the first person of color to hold the position.

Building a Great Life – Voting Rights

This session will focus on voting rights for people with disabilities.

Speakers: Gretchen Knauff & Chris Blake

Gretchen Knauff is the Director of the Office of Services for Persons with Disabilities for the City of New Haven and is the CT Coordinator of REV UP: Register, Educate, Vote, Use Your Power! She has extensive experience and knowledge regarding voting rights for persons with disabilities.

Chris Blake is an advocate on disability rights issues in the state, and is very active in Wallingford town politics, where he lives.

If you require a sign language interpreter or other accommodations, please contact Molly Cole at molly@ctsilc.org by August 1, 2022.

A Zoom link will be sent to you upon registration.

Sponsored by: The University of Connecticut Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities and the CT Council on Developmental Disabilities

To register

SAVE THE DATE 2022 Candidates’ Forum on Disability Issues

A non-partisan forum with candidates (or their surrogates) running for Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of the State, and United States Congress. Candidates will answer questions from Diane Smith on disability topics that include employment, transportation, housing, health care and other related issues.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022
In Person or on Zoom
3:00-7:00 PM
Reception from 7:00-8:00 PM


Mental Health: The Work of the Children’s Mental Health Champions



Supporting Mental Health in Childhood | CDC

Supporting the mental health needs of children starts early in childhood and can have lifelong impacts on overall health and wellbeing. Learn what CDC’s Children’s Mental Health Connecticut Champion is doing to create partnerships, identify concerns, intervene early, and promote children’s mental health by working with prevention programs in different settings.



The Connecticut State Department of Education, Bureau of Special Education (BSE), is planning to implement a new Individualized Education Program (IEP) document and the Special Education Data System (CT-SEDS) in the 2022-23 school year.   This webpage will provide up-to-date information, documents and tools to assist in the roll-out of the new IEP.