Author: Schuh, Janelle

The Inclusion Notebook: Problem Solving in the Classroom and Community (Fall 2021)

In the Fall 2019 Issue of The Inclusion Notebook: Problem Solving in the Classroom and Community (TIN), we focused on Think College for Students with Intellectual Disabilities as another option for family members to consider (Vol. 1, Issue 1). In the Fall 2021 issue, we address considerations for ALL students with disabilities who want to pursue ANY type of postsecondary education.
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ABLE Guide by SARTAC Fellow Chris Blake

ABLE accounts give people with disabilities or their families the ability to have tax free savings accounts that will not affect their eligibility to get or stay on government assistance. In addition, they let you make your own decisions about how to spend your money, without getting permission from a special trust. Overall, an ABLE account allows a person with a disability to set up and manage their own funds. This guide will explain the basics of ABLE accounts and will provide a state-by-state comparison. Continue reading

I-3 Prep Training Program for Special Education & School Psychology

I-3 PREP is a master’s training program offered by the University of Connecticut through funding provided by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education. The goal is to increase the number of master’s trained special educators and school psychologists with the capacity to provide high-quality integrated services for school-age students with developmental disabilities, such as autism, who have high-intensity behavioral needs. Continue reading

Early Intervention Professionals Specialist Graduates

Congratulations to the graduates of Co hort 4 Early Intervention Professionals Specialist Program.  This year long programs is a personnel preparation grant funded by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP).  The focus of the program is aimed to increase the number of qualified personnel across disciplines who currently provide services in the Connecticut Birth to Three (IDEA Part C) system. Continue reading